Upcoming Challenge

I have been neglecting this website off and on for some time. I have a few areas of my life that I would love to improve, so I am issuing a few challenges that I would love for you to join me on.

  1. First, in order to make these challenges work, I will be dedicating time each week to ensure that I post at least two updates per week so that you can follow me on this journey. In doing this, I hope to create a habit of maintaining this website.
  2. The second challenge that I would like to create is meal planning healthy meals and snacks for this family of 5. I will likely try to get a weekly list out by Sunday and do most meal preps on that day as well, assuming I’m not working that day.
  3. Spring/Summer cleaning challenge. Monday will mark the day I will post cleaning challenges that are not part of your daily list. This will include inside and outside tasks that should be done.

Want to join in? Check back with me and see how I’m doing. Drop a comment below or find me on twitter to let me know how you’re doing!

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