At 18 weeks, things aren’t going too badly. I am quite nervous with how well this pregnancy is going compared with my last. Nausea is so-so, I’m down to just two diclectin at night time and suffer through some nausea at lunchtime after I eat and at night time. I’m trying to keep my medication down to a minimum. I didn’t throw up this morning or yesterday morning, which is really good for myself. I’m sustaining at a tolerable level of tiredness, yet my baby brain is incredibly noticeable.
I was, however, feeling too sick to go in for my chiropractor appointment on Friday, so I will be rescheduling that. My pubic bone feels relatively good. Some pain here and there, but nothing like the months leading up to my first chiro appointment. I’m thankful that I found a chiropractor who specializes in the Webster technique for pregnant women. It is a god send and I really wish I had known about this with my last pregnancy.
As I enter into the 5th month of this pregnancy, I look forward to an ultrasound this week and a midwife appointment. I am psyching myself out as my baby bump is incredibly tiny for being my third pregnancy that has made it this far along. I’m stressing out about the baby not forming properly or having a trisomy, or me being malnourished… Although my nausea is relatively under control, my appetite is minimal and I still have strong food aversions.
This week, I successfully deregistered myself from my BSN program come the end of this semester. For that, I am sad! I have just started to form bonds with my classmates and I am super sad to have to leave them, but at the same time I am grateful for the opportunity to return to work for a few months and then take time off to spend with this new addition to the blended family.
Until next time xoxo 🙂