Monday To Do List December 5th

This is the last week of classes for me as I will be stepping down from the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program for a year or so to focus on family. I’ll be working my (growing) butt off between mid-December until my body tells me it’s time to take it easy and focus on being healthy with this pregnancy. As I’ve already been experiencing a decent amount of SPD pain, I anticipate that I won’t last too long working–once my belly grows, the pressure will likely become too severe to be able to work long hours.  The thing with SPD is that it is bad to work through the pain, which I am known to do, because it can cause lasting damage and chronic complications. I learned with my last term pregnancy that it takes a very long time as well as a lot of dedication to heal from SPD.

With that in mind, here is my To Do list for this week:

  • Monday
    • Afternoon class.
    • Complete essay due Tuesday.
    • Kids’ dentist appointment.
    • Call and cancel my bunion surgery. I keep forgetting, but I can’t have surgery while pregnant 😛 And the pain is currently tolerable.
  • Tuesday
    • Essay due.
    • Full day of classes.
    • Bathroom clean-up (two bathrooms. It’s been a few weeks since I’ve given them a good scrub and it is insanely apparent, already).
  • Wednesday
    • practicum day
    • Journal/Domains of Practice
    • Put out bin for Sunshine Organics delivery tomorrow 😀
    • Entrance interview with daughter and myself for a counselling program
  • Thursday
    • Practicum day
    • Journal/Domains of Practice
    • Submit journal for review.
    • Update final PAF/practicum evaluation & submit.
  • Friday
    • Start reviewing for final exam: This will include week-by-week note reviews which I will be adding on this website.
    • Grab kiddos from school!
    • Tidy up the house in preparation for Christmas decorating.
    • Reddit Gift Exchange – Shop and Ship!

I’m so very excited for this coming weekend. I can’t wait to decorate for Christmas with the kids! <3

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