The entire Gold River baseball tournament was overcast and rainy. This, however, is fairly expected weather in that area. Last year, the sun was out all weekend and I came home from the four-day tournament tanned. I never tan. It was great!
That said, the weekend was full of new memories made. Bad weather doesn’t have to mean a bad time. The first night, it rained outside. It rained hard. It rained inside the tent. I guess that’s what happens when you rush to set up your tent after you arrive at 9:30 AM and have a toddler to feed and have an 11:00 pm baseball game. Yes, that’s right. One of the best things I love about the Gold River Slopitch tournament is how there is no limit as to when your games might be scheduled. The last game of the first night was scheduled at 12:30 AM.
We managed… I mean, Rob managed to fix the tent’s fly for us the next morning while Keagan and I had our breakfast at the local coffee shop (Clayworks Cafe and Gallery). That coffee shop almost turned into our second home in between baseball games and our tent. Our wet, wet tent. It has great coffee and good food if you are ever in Gold River, please check it out. I hope to purchase something from there next year to take home with me.
Our team ended up placing in B-division and we placed fourth, I believe. There weren’t as many teams this year because Canada Day did not fall on a Monday or a Friday this year, making it a regular two-day weekend as opposed to a three-day weekend as it has ended up in the past. Last year’s 80 teams dwindled down to a mere 17 teams this year. It was still a blast, however.
The boys and I finished our baseball marathon with some fishing and a swim in one of the beautiful lakes there, which I will leave unnamed. It is ours 🙂 The weather was, of course, gorgeous.