Counting Down the Days

This is very much new territory for me… Being so close to my due date. My daughter was born at 37 weeks and 3 days so I’m getting pretty antsy even though I have five days remaining until my due date.

I’m a hypocrite, I know. I kept saying how willing I was to go until 42 weeks or longer… But I want this kid out. I’m so worn down, more than with an average pregnancy. My hips are getting soft tissue damage because I can only sleep in two positions due to the SPD (which is doing pretty good with the exception of sitting, some activities, and moving in bed). My bleeding ulcer is aggravated and causing me to have esophageal spasms (painful muscle cramps of the esophagus) mostly due to the reflux, which keeps me awake until 4 or 5 in the morning still. Also, I still wake up choking on vomit from the reflux a few times a week.

On top of that, my nausea has taken a step up one again. I’m not enjoying food in the least and am worrying about eating enough now that my aversions are back in swing.

Even though I want baby to come NOW so I can heal and meet the little bugger, I would still absolutely refuse any offers of induction. You might hear me saying I want the baby to come now, but rest assured that I am not doing a darn thing to help the process along… Aside from wallowing in self pity and being miserable 😀

My creativity is gone and I’m having a hard time coming up with articles to right… I recently came upon an article on MedScape regarding interventions relating to the transition of a fetus to a newborn. Things like suctioning, nuchal cord treatment, and meconium aspiration syndrome… I might like to touch on that when my brain is feeling more alert. Short story: suctioning of a newborn is not always needed and has no affect on whether or not a baby exposed to meconium will develop an issue related to the meconium later on. Also, cutting the cord before the shoulders are born due to a nuchal (wrapped) cord is stupid… No offence, but duh? Baby’s getting their oxygen and nutrients from the cord — the cord which stands up to a lot of pressure due to the wharton’s jelly in it — so cutting it before the baby is fully born is… Well, let’s just say that there’s never been supporting evidence for it and there’s a good chance someone you know has had a limp baby born due to “nuchal cord” as opposed to “poor nuchal cord management.”

Me? Biased? Nah!

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