Day Five… Getting Lazy, yes.

(Post dated/late entry) Curry Chicken Pasta is quite yum. I would have posted earlier, but I’m lazy sometimes… What can I say? I fell asleep promptly at 8:30 PM tonight.  Woke up at 6:00 AM and went off to work where I promptly threw up in a garbage can.

I think I’m trying to convince myself that I can be okay to work with hyperemesis gravidarum even though we can’t seem to get on top of it 100%. On the brighter side, I haven’t needed an IV in 5 weeks and I haven’t thrown up too much… My life is still mostly run by food aversions and smells.

I have no idea how I’ve been able to cook and eat all of these dinners. Honestly, I don’t. I tend to develop sudden aversions to foods if I smell them (wth?)

Uh… Anyway. Our kitchen table is a laundry folding table at the moment, so we used Pocahontas’ table tonight. All of us gathered around the table and enjoyed the fruits of our my labor. 😛

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