Monday Motivation: To Do List

Last week was a bit of a disaster when I look at what I had planned versus what I accomplished. I’m still not 100% recovered from my sickness, but I have started back on my diclectin to make the revised nausea settle enough to allow me to eat properly. It wasn’t easy coping with a stuffy head cold/strep throat, symphysis pubis dysfunction, as well as some pretty horrid nausea from the pregnancy. I’m now 25 weeks along (and 3 days), so about 15 weeks left!

We are expecting some snow today after having snow all night last night, so we will see if school is still on for the kiddos.


  • Video: Maternity Monday
  • Video: YouTube Mom Tag Collaboration
  • Brainstorm Pinterest items to test out for another collaboration!
  • Call regarding EI application (uhg)  Approved!
  • Bake muffins for lunches đŸ™‚
  • Schedule an appointment with a chiropractor and find a physiotherapist.


  • Tidy Tuesday: Attempt to clean out car, find a way to clean out the bathtubs while suffering from SPD… Good luck to me!
  • See about applying for a handicap parking placard for those severely bad days.
  • … Maybe look into a walker.


  • Video: Testing Pinterest Collaboration Cancelled due to SPD. Of course.
  • Brainstorm ways of coping with SPD to share with others.
  • Chiropractor


  • Thrifty thursday: What have I done recently to help with finances?


  • Relax, dang it.
  • Video: Chit chat and updates.

I’m sure no one actually reads these Motivational Monday To Do lists, so I’ll use this area to type out something my shrinking heart has written as I powder my face with white and dredge on black eyeliner. /emo

After a while, you just stop caring. You’re burnt out. The passion wanes. The love dwindles, and the heart hides deep inside, untouched. Unwanted. Forgotten.

There was a time when love conquered all, and perhaps it did. Perhaps it conquered all, but in the process it forgot to steal a piece of itself–a small piece. A piece that would have grown. Maybe it would have grown just enough to save us or to coast us along until a new wave crashed over us, covering us with optimism. Perhaps it’s too late. Perhaps it’s too early.





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