Time Flies…

I can’t believe that we are almost 6 weeks post partum already. Time is flying right by and my previously 7 lbs 14 oz son was last weighed on Wednesday as 11 lbs 9 oz. Holy toledo! My daughter was a slow gainer, so this is insane to me. He’s in 3 month & 3-6 month sizes already. Aww!

I wish I had taken more opportunities to photograph him when he was really tiny, but it was difficult since I was recovering from blood loss and pelvic issues. I’m feeling fabulous in relation to the blood loss and recovery now, but my pelvis shows little signs of improvement outside from those that I saw during the first week post partum.

My illiosacral joint seems to be loosening or shifting further as my lower back becomes worse with each passing day. My pubic joint doesn’t seem to be too terrible, but I can still feel it shifting if I move too quickly. Picking up heavy things still causes me a lot of pain in my entire pelvis and putting on pants is still difficult/painful. Hurray!

I have to wait another month or two before I can see a physio or a chiropractor about it. My doctor’s stand-in wasn’t terribly helpful, although she was kind, as she thought my main concern was losing the baby weight, which isn’t the case at all. I just want to get back to my normal functioning and I’ve been itching to run since the second trimester of pregnancy. I’m probably at least 6 months away from running still. Sad panda, ladies and gents. Very sad panda here!

In other news! I’ve decided that my new 21-day habit to develop will be walking the dog every morning. I will only be able to do this on days that my husband is home so that he can watch our snoozing baby while I take the dog around the block. Walking with Keagan is too difficult with my pelvis the way it is. Walking is quite difficult still and my supportive muscles become quite fatigued, so I’m not too sure how this will pan out for us.

I figure we will start close to, or right after Halloween. Give myself a little more time to heal up and plan out how I will accomplish this while being able to give blog updates on it. Daily pictures of Charlie rocking his harness outside, perhaps.

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