Come along with me as I try 21 days of water fasting

It’s been a long time since I have done a challenge on this website. This website was created in order to take you all along on my journeys as I tried to develop healthy habits in my daily life.

I am about to embark on an adapted water fast. I will explain why I am choosing to do this and tell you how I’m planning to complete this and what science I am using to backup this endeavor.

Why water fasting?

If you know me in real life, you will know that I am a huge believer in the science that backs up the quality and quantity of our gut flora and the way that the flora interacts with the rest of our body systems, such as our brain chemistry. One of the reasons for this fast is to help reset my brain’s reward centers when it comes to eating processed foods and other food products that may break down into things that are harmful or not beneficial to our gut flora.

More and more studies are coming out to show that intermittent fasting and (temporary periods of) fasting can improve cardiac health, lower blood pressure, lower overall blood sugar and insulin resistance, decrease inflammation, improve autophagy, reduce the effects of reactive oxygen species in the body, and so forth. In essence, it sounds to be a good way to reset the body… No, you can’t actually reset the body, but this is me using a layman term. This is only true when done under the supervision of a professional and when taking certain precautions.

If you were to undertake a water fast without knowing how to do it safely, you may find yourself in a state of hypokalemia, hyponatremia, hypo-everything-emia; throwing your electrolyte balances off, which can be deadly. Literally. It can kill you. Do not do this without the help of a professional.

Going into this fast, I do not have any desire to lose weight — that is not one of my goals, although it is inevitably going to happen over the next 21 days. I’ll actually aim for 30 days, but I said 21 days to stay true to this website’s name. It takes 21 days to start a habit, afterall!

Things I am looking to improve over the next 21-30 days

  • Skin. I have been having an unusual amount of cystic and hormonal acne ever since I have started on Concerta and post covid in late November 2022.
  • Skin. Overall youthfulness. My skin has been very dehydrated lately, which is contributing to me aging more than I should.
  • Cardiac health. My blood pressure is in the high range at the moment and I would like to improve that!
  • Gut health. My bowels have been inconsistent with timing and quality.
  • Sleep quality: I rarely ever wake up feeling rested.
  • Motivation. My motivation levels are in the shitter and I am quite tired of it.
  • Energy. I want to have more energy and thus more motivation.
  • Mood. My mood is fairly labile. It switches from optimism to severe pessimism.

What is this going to look like?

Unlike a regular water fast, I will first be following a keto diet for 4-5 days in order to access a state of ketosis to allow for my brain to get the nutrients it needs in order to function properly. After that time, I will switch to only water and teas. I will also be taking certain supplements to ensure that my electrolytes stay within an appropriate level.

What ways am I going to monitor my progress?

I will be keeping a log to monitor my voiding and bowel habits, my skin quality, my weight and measurements; mood, sleep quality, energy level, and my vital signs.

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