Psilocybin And Nootropics

The past few years have been a learning journey for me, particularly pertaining to nootropics and supplements for overall health at a cellular level. I’ve explored nootropics like phosphatidylserine, kratom, resveratrol, saw palmetto, nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), and N-Acetyl-Cystine (NAC). Along this journey, I have gone deep into the rabbit hole of psilocybin and have a particular interest in its ability to help people with mental health concerns. This post is just my own personal interpretation of research and experiences. Although I am a registered nurse, I can’t give medical suggestions to anyone who might be reading this, so please make sure that any choices you make regarding your health are done so through your personal team of medical professionals. That’s a fancy way of saying talk with your doc’.

The legalities are not supportive of this incredibly powerful substance, but fortunately that isn’t a deterrent for the growing market for this psychedelic substance. I will provide some links to websites that dispense related items for you to browse at your leisure — some I’ve discovered on my own in my endeavors and some who I have been talking with: affiliate links are used where I have them. That’s my disclosure 🙂

Benefits and Connection Through Psilocybin

Using a psychedelic substance can help one remove themselves mentally from their ego, or so the idea goes. Using psilocybin has this interesting effect where someone can remove themselves from their emotional turmoil and place that turmoil into a tangible substance that they are able to maneuver around in such a way that they can finesse out the key factors of it and sort through it in a meaningful way. A sort of increased conscientiousness and overall connectiveness with the world around you that is hard to replicate using anything else.

There is a remote risk of inducing psychosis in persons who are at risk of this, but that risk is hard to actualize on our own or by our doctors and this is mostly due to the lack of research around it. With that said, however, clinical trials that have occurred thus far have shown a statistically significant positive outcome for patients. This is particularly true for persons who were in trials for existential anxiety and depression related to terminal illness. Therapeutic benefits were immediate and long-lasting. So why would we not want to try and use this in a more mainstream way?

Personal Experience

A year ago, when my kids were with their respective parents, I took a microdose… And then I took some more… I had a macro macro dose while in the cusp of my own emotional turmoil from an incredibly tumultuous relationship breakdown. I never came to a psychedelic experience, but I wailed and cried for an hour just fully absorbed in my emotions; allowing 7 years worth of anger and self loathing just escape through my voice and my tears.

Then I picked myself up and felt the most calm and collected I had felt in ages. It doesn’t sound very lovely, but having that barrier brought down so that the emotions could come to the surface, I was able to honor all of what I had kept on lockdown for years. Honoring the emotions in such a way, I could finally address them constructively.

10/10 would recommend. Definitely don’t do it around kids, though 😉

Looking For Psilocybin in Canada For Your Own Emotional Release?

I got you.

For my first adventure described above, I used microdose capsules from Shrooms And Edibles. They offer a variety of mushrooms, microdose capsules, chocolate bars, and other edibles. While they are well established, they aren’t the most inspired company (I’m sorry, I’m sorry!) But they do offer 15% off for new members with the code NewMember15

Trippy Tea Cup a Canadian company

Trippy Tea Cup found me before I found them and offered some tea for me in exchange for writing about it on my business channel and podcast, but I decided to ALSO write about them here, because their website and their product are just awesome. So while this particular post is not sponsored by them, I have received a promotional offering from them for my other website and my podcast. I also have an affiliate code to pass along for 10% off for you if you choose to try them… and I’m sure you will if you browse their website. The code is STHP10 and their website is

What is cool about them is they have an assortment of shroom teas and microdose options. The teas all have a description to them so you can see which shroom variety is in the tea blend and what experience it could provide for you. This one in particular caught my eye: Chocolate Haze Pu’erh/Blue Meanies. A chocolate hazelnut tea with blue meanies in it — a medium strength tea to facilitate deep self-connection and release. ( Code STHP10 to get 10% off, don’t forget!)

I have not yet tried the tea I received from the Trippy Tea Cup as I am saving it for a video review and article for my healthcare website. I’m excited to try it out, but alas am awaiting a child-free evening, which is a challenge as the full-time caretaker of my 4-year-old Klingon. Soon 🙂

Therapeutic Psilocybin: Suggested Therapy Books

On my business website, I have been slowly working through a workbook that was suggested to me by my oldest child as well as their psychologist. I have read through the book and believe it to be an incredibly helpful book for those who are working through mental health constraints. Particularly, it is great for working through certain thought patterns that are unhelpful and self-sabotaging. My recommendation for this book is based on its helpfulness and is not based on any monetary gain. I am using an affiliate code simply because I have access to one.

The Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Skills Workbook: Practical DBT Exercises for Learning Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotional Regulation, & Distress Tolerance written by Mathew McKay, Jeffrey Wood, and Jeffrey Brantley.

We can use medications, supplements, and ensure adequate sleep, but at the core of it all we need to work on our own brains in an effort to unlearn negative thought processes. It is a long road, but it is so incredibly important to our overall health when we heal our minds.


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