RIP Aquaborn Pool!

I purchased an Aquaborn pool for my home water birth — attended by medical professionals, but thank you for the concern 😉

There are liners you can purchase for the pool, so I used it to welcome Keagan into the world. Two weeks and four hours later, my sister used it to welcome baby Edward into the world. Two months later, a friend used it to bring her baby into the world. Unfortunately, with that last birth, the pool began deflating. Le sigh!

It had a good run, though! I highly recommend the Aquaborn birth pool. It is large and roomy for mom (and/or partner) with strong sides that allow you and your partner to sit on it. The pool is sectioned off into three inflatable parts — the first being the floor of the pool. It’s inflatable to add extra insulation and padding to keep the pool warm and to protect mom.

The middle chamber is the main wall that will contain the water in. Lastly, the top wall was designed to withstand the weight of two grown adults, but also to deflate and inflate independently in case mom has difficulty getting in and out of the pool. This is especially helpful for sufferers of symphisys pubis dysfunction or pelvic trauma.

Not only does it allow mom to get in and out of the pool more easily, it is highly recommended that moms suffering from these conditions birth in water. Laying flat on your back or squatting is actually damaging to the joints and should be avoided for sufferers. I know: Discouraging squatting? Blasphemy! The thing with squatting, though, is that it opens the pelvis up so much that it puts extra pressure onto the joints which further damages them with the help of gravity. Squatting or partial squatting positions in the pool are less damaging due to the lessened affect of gravity.

The Aquaborn pool has handles inside, on top, and outside of the pool, allowing mom to maneuver more freely. The top part of the pool is also nice and cushy for the birth attendants to lean over in order to get to mom and/or the baby.

Lastly, the Aquaborn is one of few birth pools that comes with an inflatable lid. Use it! It helps contain the warmth of the water, which is very important for welcoming baby into the world. You want it warmer than room temperature, yet less than body temperature.

If I ever go on to have more kids, I will certainly be purchasing another Aquaborn pool. I can’t sing its praises enough!

Now, to find a hospital that would let me bring in my own pool and that is licensed for water births 😛  I have 10 or so years, it’s all good.

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